Winnicott: A present for the Future –
The Winnicott Trust afholder online konference i anledning af 50 året for Winnicotts død:
Dr. Donald Woods Winnicott, 1896-1971, British psychoanalyst, pediatrician, and child psychiatrist. He worked at the Paddington Green Children’s Hospital in London for over 40 years, beginning in 1923, where he became interested in child psychoanalysis. Winnicott’s treatment of psychically disturbed children and their mothers gave him the experience on which he built his most influential concepts, such as the “holding environment” and the “transitional object,” known to every parent as the “security blanket.” He had a major impact on object relations theory, particularly in his 1951 essay “Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena,” which focused on familiar, inanimate objects that children use to stave off anxiety during times of stress. This photo was taken in 1963 in London, England.
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