Publikationer af selskabets medlemmer og kandidater


Publikationer 2022

Sandra Dornonville la CourBirgit BondeBent Rosenbaum. Bullying as a Traumatizing Process: An Investigation of the Phenomenology of the Bullying Experiences and their Dynamic Effects.  British Journal of Psychotherapy, 2022; Vol 38, Issue 3: 572-588,

Mette Møller, Otto Nyeborg, Christina Schacht-Magnussen. Psykoanalytisk Tænkning og dens berettigelse i moderne Psykiatri. In: Christina Schact-Magnussen, Gunnar Brox Haugen, Anne Ek og Svein Hausgjerd (eds): Relationsboken/Relationbogen. Hertevig Forlag, 2022, p. 41-60.

Mette Møller. Den Individuelle Tilgang. Individualiseret behandling – i en professionel relation. I Christina Schact-Magnussen, Gunnar Brox Haugen, Anne Ek og Svein Hausgjerd (eds): Relationsboken/Relationbogen. Hertevig Forlag, 2022, p. 60-81.

Rosenbaum B, Varvin S. Transformationen in mentalen Zuständen der Traumatisierung: Psychoanalytisch-semiotische Reflexionen. Psyche 2022, 9/10: 926-855

Rosenbaum B. Psychic retreat and the dynamics of groups and organisations. Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2022, 15/1: 43-57. DOI: 10.2478/rjp-2022-0004

Rosenbaum B. Enunciation – some psychosemiotic reflections. Cognitive Semiotics, 2022, 15/1: 147-149. DOI: 10.1515/cogsem-2022-2001

Zeuthen, K., (2022). Er psykoanalyse en kærlighedskur?
Lamella, Tidsskrift for teoretisk psykoanalyse. Vol. 8 (elektronisk udg.)


Publikationer 2020

Lunn, S. Anorexia Nervosa – destruction and creation of desire., 2020;9 (netudgave)

Rosenbaum B, Jovic V, Varvin S. Understanding the refugee-traumatised persons. Psychosozial, 2020, 43/3, 11-23.

Rosenbaum, B. Dear Candidate. In Busch, F. (ed). Dear Candidate: Analysts From Around the World Offer Personal Reflections on Psychoanalytic Training, Education, and the Profession. London: Routledge, 2020, pp. 126-129

Jane Fjermestad-Noll, Elsa Ronningstam, Bo Bach, Ole Jacob Storebø, Bent Rosenbaum & Erik Simonsen. Psychotherapeutic treatment of depressive symptoms in patients with narcissistic disturbances: A review. Journal of Comtemporary Psychotherapy, 2020, Volume 50/1, pp 21–28

Fjernestad-Noll J, Ronningstam E, Bach BS, Rosenbaum B, Simonsen E. Perfection, shame and aggression in depressive patients with narcissistic personality disorder. J Personality Disorder, 2020; 34 (supplement March): 25-41.  Doi:10.1521/pedi.2020.34.supp.25

Bundesen B, Llambías P, Serup MG, Djørup A, Gejl T, Aymo-Boot M, Levin K, Printzlau GA, Fritzsche L, Rosenbaum B. REWRITALIZE: Participatory creative writing groups led by authors in collaboration with mental health care professionals for people experiencing severe mental illness. A report from an interdisciplinary pilot-project in Denmark. Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health. 2020; 2(2):140–147.

Tuckett D, Amati Mehler J, Collins S, Diercks M, Flynn D, Frank C, Millar D, Skale E, Wagtmann M-A. Psychoanalytic training in the Eitingon model and its controversies: A way forward. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 2020:101(6):1106-1135

Winberg M-B. Editorial. Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review. 2020;43(1):1

Winberg M-B. Dear Candidate. In Busch, F. (ed). Dear Candidate: Analysts from around the world offer personal reflections on psychoanalytic training, education, and the profession. London: Routledge, 2020,

Zeuthen, K. & J. Gammelgaard. Overføring. Et flertydigt begreb. Lamella. Tidsskrift for teoretisk psykoanalyse. 2020;4(5):13-29.


Publikationer 2019

Bálint, S., Fitger, M., Vitger, J. & Wagtmann, M-A (2019) ”Danish Psychoanalytical Society”, In Society of the month, IPA hemsida,

Fitger, M (2019) ”Obituary, Stefan Bálint”. EPF hemsida,

Gammelgaard, J. (2019) Freud og kulturen. I: Stänicke, E., Strømme H., Kristiansen S., & Stänicke L. (red.) Klinisk tænkning og psykoanalyse. Oslo: Gyldendal. Norsk Forlag, pp. 246-258

Gammelgaard, J. (2019) Lærerens empati I: Nørregaard Rasmussen, T. & Sødberg, A. (red.) Motivation. Klasseledelse, relationer og didaktik. Århus: Kvan, pp. 50-162

Rosenbaum B, Henriksen MG, Skodlar B. (2019). Self-disorders in psychosis: A possible integrative concepts of phenomenology and psychoanalysis. In Eizirik C & Foresti G. Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry. London: Routledge, pp. 203-216

Rosenbaum B, Alberdi F, Haahr U, Urfer-Parnas A. Psykodynamisk psykoterapi ved skizofrenispektrumtilstande. Ugeskr Læger, 2019;181,vol12: V06189425 (online)

Rosenbaum, B. Psychosis and individual psychodynamic psychotherapy, In Kealy D, Ogrodniczuk (eds). Contemporary Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Evolving clinical practice. London: Academic Press: 177-190

Fjernestad-Noll J, Ronningstam E, Bach BS, Rosenbaum B, Simonsen E. Shame perfectionism and aggression in depressive patients with or without narcissistic personality disorder.

Viberg, L. & Viberg, M (2019). Dynamisk psykoterapi: BARN  – UNGDOM – VUXEN, Studentlitteratur 2019, 2. Upplagan.

Zeuthen, Katrine (2019): Seksualitet i barndommen. I: Sexologi – en lærebog. Graugaard, C., Møhl, B. & Giraldi, A. (red.). København: Munksgaard.


Publikationer 2018

Stefan Bálint, Berglöf, B., Dellson, P. & Engellau, J. (2018) ”Kommunikationsträning och psykologisk handledning för läkare.” I: Onkologi, högteknologisk cancerterapi med empati. Sydsvenska medicinhistoriska sällskapets årsskrift, Nr 12.

Johan Berg, Lundh, L-G. & Falkenström, F. (2019) ”Countertransference in Swedish psychotherapists: testing the factor structure of the Therapist Response Questionnaire”. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome.

Johan Berg (2019) ”Comment on Björn Sahlberg’s paper”. Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review. Vol 42.

Judy Gammelgaard (2018). Efter Freud. Erindringsforstyrrelser og andre normale mærkværdigheder. København. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Judy Gammelgaard (2018). “The non-symbolic level of psychical reality”. The Scandinavian Psycho­analytic Review, vol. 41, no. 1.

Judy Gammelgaard (2018). “Proust og kærligheden”. Proust Bulletin, #11. Det Danske Proust Selskab.

Tove Mathiesen (2018) ”Response to Friedman’s  ‘Beyond rejection, glory and the Soldier’s Matrix: the hearth of my group analysis’.” Group Analysis. The International Journal of Group-Analytic Psycho­therapy. Vol.51:4.

Tækker, L., Christensen, B. J., Lunn, Susanne. (2018). ”From bingeing to cutting: the substitution of a mal-adaptive coping strategy after bariatric surgery”. Journal Eating Disorders 2018; 6:24.

Talia, A., Miller-Bottome, M., Katznelson, H., Pedersen, S. H., Steele, H., Schröder, P., Origlieri, A., Scharff, F. B., Giovanardi, G., Andersson, M., Lingiardi, V., Safran, J. D., Lunn, Susanne., Poulsen, S. & Taubner, S. (2018). ”Mentalizing in the Presence of Another: Measuring Reflective Functioning and Attachment in the Therapy Process”. Psychotherapy Research.

Daniel, S. I. F., Folke, S., Lunn, Susanne, Gondan, M. & Poulsen, S. (2018). ”Mind the Gap: In-Session Silence is Associated with Client Attachment Insecurity, Therapeutic Alliance, and Outcome. Psychotherapy Research, 28(2), 203-216.

Jović V, Varvin S, Rosenbaum Bent, Fischmann T, Opačić G, Hau S. (2018) “Sleep Studies in Serbian Victims of Torture: Analysis of Traumatic Dreams.” In: Vermetten E, Germain A, Neylan TC (eds). Sleep and combat-related post-traumatic stress. Berlion: Springer Verlag, 2018, pp 395-411.

Rosenbaum, Bent (2018). “Psychodynamische Psychotherapie für Menschen in psychotischen Zustän­den. »Danish National Schizophrenia Project« (DNS): Einige Aspekte und Hinweise aus dem dänischen Leitlinien-Manual.” In: Nicolas Nowack (Hrsg.), Psychodynamische Psychosen-Psychotherapie und sozialpsychiatrische Behandlung der Psychosen. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag, pp. 15-28.

Rosenbaum, Bent, Varvin S. (2018) ”Individuel psykodynamisk korttidsterapi til PTSD”. In: Buhman CB et al. Psykoterapeutiske tilgange til PTSD. Hans Reitzel, pp. 217-228.

Rosenbaum, Bent, Henriksen MG, Skodlar B. (2018) “Self-disorders in psychosis: A possible integrative concepts of phenomenology and psychoanalysis.” In: Eizirik, C. & Foresti, G. (Eds) Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry. London: Routledge, pp. 203-216.

Rosenbaum, Bent (2018) “Psychotherapy for people diagnosed with schizophrenia”. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Vol 32/3:321-325.

Rosenbaum Bent, Alberdi F, Haahr U, Urfer-Parnas A. (2019) “Psykodynamisk psykoterapi ved skizofrenispektrumtilstande”. Ugeskr Læger, (elektronisk udgave).

Alex Rubino Pedersen (2018) “Steady happiness on a wheel-chair: denial, masochism or after effects of a near-death experience?”, Scand.Psychoan.Rev., 41: 52-54.

Zeuthen, Katrine & C. Graugaard (2018) ”Børn og unges seksuelle landskaber”. I: Seksualitet, skole og samfund. Graugaard, C., Roien , L. A. & Simovska, V. (red.). Hans Reitzel.

Zeuthen, Katrine (2018) ”Jævnt svævende opmærksomhed i et psykoanalytiske perspektiv”. I: Kvalitative analyseprocesser med eksempler fra det pædagogiske psykologiske felt. Bøttcher, L., Kousholt, D. & Winther-Lindqvist, D. (red.). Samfundslitteratur.

Zeuthen, Katrine & S. Køppe (2019) ”Psykoanalysen efter Freud”. In: Personlighedspsykologi. En grundbog om personlighed og subjektivitet. København: Hans Reitzel, 3. Edition.

Publikationer 2017

Gammelgaard, J. (2017). “Why Dora left. Freud and the Master Discourse”. Studies in Gender and sexuality, Vol. 18 issue, 3.

Gammelgaard, J. (2017). ”Som en sten i skoen. Lars Von Trier Det gode med det onde.” Udstillingskatalog Brandts Odense, Red. Peter Schepelern. s.117-125

Gammelgaard, J. &. Kristiansen, S. (2017). ”The screen function of unconscious fantasy.” The Scandinavan Psychoanalytic Review, Vol 40, no 1, s.1-11.

Gammemlgaard, J. (2017). “Foreignness and the complexity of the ordinary: Freud´s´Parapraxes and Ephiphanies in literary art”. European Bulletin. Vol 71; p. 215-222.

Hagelskjær, M., Zeuthen, K. & Graugaard, C. (2017): ”Køn, krop og seksualitet.” I: Pædagogik i skole og fritid. København: Hans Reitzel

Lunn, S. & Pedersen, S.H. (2017). “Too much – not enough. The presentation of the body and the meaning of symptoms of patients with eating disorders”. Accepted for publication, Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review, Vol 40, No 2:126-136. Published online 02 May 2017.

Lunn, S., Høydahl, K. & Berggren, G. (2017). ”On the authority of the presidents of psychoanalytic societies: Perspectives from inside and outside”. Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review, 2, 118-125. Published online 21 March 2017.

Lunn, S., Jørgensen, M. G. & Wagtmann, M-A. (2017) “Obituary”. The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review, Vol 40, No1: 69-69.

Reit, B., Møller, M., Boots, J., Crick, P., Giveault, A., Jaffé, R., Lagerlof, S. & Vermote, R. (2018) Beginning Analysis. On the Process of Initiating psychoanalysis. London: Routledge.

Zeuthen, K. (2017): ”När det outsägliga förblir osagt. En laplanchiansk analys och diskussion av dokumentärfilmen Pervert Park. I: Divan, Fundament och Fundamentalism, 1-2-2017

Zeuthen, K. & Gammelgaard, J. (2017). “Enigmatic Sexuality”. In: Noreen Giffney & Eve Watson (eds.). Clinical encounters in sexuality: psychoanalytic practice and queer theory. London: Punctum Books.

Zeuthen, K. & Hagelskjær, M. (2017): The body locked by a lack of meaning. In: Psychoanalysis and the Unrepresentable. From culture to the clinic. London: Routledge.

Zeuthen, K. & Graugaard, C. (In press): ”Børn og unges seksuelle socialisering.” I: Graugaard , C., Roien , L. A. & Simovska, V. (Red.) Seksualundervisningens didaktik.  København: Hans Reitzel.

Zeuthen, K. (submitted): ”Barndommens seksualitet.” I: Graugaard, C., Møhl, B. & Giraldi, A. (Red.). Sexologi – en lærebog. København: Munksgaard.


Publikationer 2016

Bonde, B., Rosenbaum, B. (2016). Mobning, psykisk lidelse og selvskade. Psyke & Logos, 37/2:183-204

Daniel, S. I. F., Poulsen, S. & Lunn, S. (2016). Client Attachment in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Psychoanalytic and Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy for Bulimia Nervosa: Outcome Moderation and Change. Psychotherapy, 53(2), 174-184.

Daniel, S. I. F., Folke, S., Lunn, S., Gondan, M. & Poulsen, S. (2016). Mind the Gap: In-Session Silence is Associated with Client Attachment Insecurity, Therapeutic Alliance, and Outcome. Psychotherapy Research. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2016.1177673

Folke, S., Daniel, S.I.F., Poulsen, S. & Lunn, S. (2016). Client attachment security predicts alliance in a randomized controlled trial of two psychotherapies for bulimia nervosa. Psychotherapy Research, 26(4), 459–471.

Gammelgaard, J. (2016) Citation and the hidden authority. International Journal of Social Science Studies, vol. 4, no.12.

Gammelgaard, J (2016) Det ubevidste som et sprog. Jovist – men hvilket sprog? Lamella. Tidsskrift for teoretisk psykoanalyse, årg. 1, nr.1:173-187

Gammelgaard, J. (2016) Why Dora left. Freud and the master discourse. Studies in Sex and Gender.

Lunn, S., Daniel, S. I. F. & Poulsen, S. (2016). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with a client with Bulimia Nervosa. Psychotherapy, 53(2), 206–215.

Zeuthen, K. (2016): Et essay om infantil seksualitet. Matrix, 33/1, s. 16-27

Zeuthen, K. (2016): Kan man forstå infantil seksualitet uden en teori? Lamella, Tidskrift for teoretisk psykoanalyse, årg. 1, nr,1: 61-75

Zeuthen, K. & Gammelgaard, J. (2016) Enigmatic sexuality. I: Clinical encounters in sexuality: psychoanalytic practice and queer theory. New York: Punctum books, s. 259-270


Publikationer 2015

Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B, Sørensen P (red). Moderne Psykoterapi: Teorier og metoder. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2015.

Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B. Psykoterapiens historie. In Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B, Sørensen P (red). Moderne Psykoterapi: Teorier og metoder. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2015: 15-40.

Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B. Psykodynamisk Psykoterapi: Teori og teknik. In Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B, Sørensen P (red). Moderne Psykoterapi: Teorier og metoder. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2015: 41-64.

Alberdi F, Sander Hansen J, Sørensen P, Rosenbaum B. Psykoterapiens diversitet: Pluralisme og integration, In Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B, Sørensen P (red). Moderne Psykoterapi: Teorier og metoder. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2015: 187-208.

Bent Rosenbaum. The Danish National Schizophrenia project (DNS II): Prospective, comparative, longitudinal, multicentre study of psychodynamic psychotherapy of first-episode psychosis. A controlled design of non-selected, consecutively referred/admitted patients. In Leuzinger-Bohleber M, Kächele H. An open door review of outcome and process studies in psychoanalysis. London: IPA, 2015.

Daniel, S. I. F., Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. (2015). Client Attachment and Therapist Feelings in the treatment of Bulimia Nervosa. Psychotherapy, 52(2), 247-257.

Folke, S., Daniel, S.I.F., Poulsen, S. & Lunn, S. (in press). Client attachment security predicts

alliance in a randomized controlled trial of two psychotherapies for bulimia nervosa. Psychotherapy Research

Gammelgaard, J. (2015) A slave of quantity.  Studies in Gender and Sexuality 16.2:114-115

Gammelgaard, J.(2015) The gaze of the melancholic

Gammelgaard, J. (2015) heldagsseminar 25.9 om rammen, rummet og processen I psykoanalysen. Akademi for Integrerende psykoterapi. Risskov. Århus.

Harder S, Rosenbaum B. Psychodynamic approaches to the psychopathology of psychosis. In Fonagy et al. Psychodynamic approaches to psychopathology. London: Wiley, 2015: 259-286

Lunn, S., Poulsen, S. & Daniel, S. (2015). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with a client with bulimia nervosa – a single case study. In: Heather Thompson-Brenner (ed.). Evidence Based Casebook.

Lunn S., Pedersen, S.H., Jensen, B.M. & Rosenbaum, R. (2015). Psykoterapi af spiseforstyrrelser. In: F. Alberdi & B. Rosenbaum (red.). Moderne Psykoterapi. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 301-330.

Mathiesen, B. B., Pedersen, S.H., Sandros, C., Katznelson, H., Wilczek, A., Poulsen, S. and Lunn, S. (2015). Psychodynamic profile and reflective functioning in patients with bulimia nervosa. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 62, 20-26.

Møller, M.  (2015). Ilk Görüsmede Analistin Kaygilari: Analitik Dyurusa Karsi Engeller. (The analyst’s anxieties in the first Interview; barriers against analytic presence). Psikianaliz Egitimi Ve Sonrasi.  Uluslararasi psikianaliz yilligi 2015 (The international Journal of Psychoanalysis Turkish Annual) 1-23.

Møller Pedersen C, Rosenbaum B. Selvmordsforebyggelse og psykoterapi. In Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B, Sørensen P (red). Moderne Psykoterapi: Teorier og metoder. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2015: 457-482.

Pedersen, S.H., Poulsen, S. & Lunn, S. (2015). Eating disorders and mentalization. High reflective functioning in patients suffering from bulimia nervosa. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 63, 671-694.

Rosenbaum B. Psychoanalysis and the musicality of listening. Scandinavian Review of Psychoanalysis, 2015 (in press).

Rosenbaum B. Et billede fra min hverdag. Bibliotek for Læger, 2015;209:358-359

Rosenbaum, B. Psychodynamic psychotherapy for persons in states of psychosis – some research perspective. Brit J Psychotherapy. 2015;31(4): 476-491. doi: 10.1111/bjp.1218.

Rosenbaum B, Harder S. Psykoterapeutisk behandling af lidelser i det skizofrene spektrum. In Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B, Sørensen P (red). Moderne Psykoterapi: Teorier og metoder. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2015: 225-246.

Sletvold H, Rosenbaum B. Neurovidenskabb og psykoterapi. In Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B, Sørensen P (red). Moderne Psykoterapi: Teorier og metoder. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2015: 527-542.

Sørensen P, Rosenbaum B. Psykoterapeutisk behandling af funktionelle somatiske tilstande. In Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B, Sørensen P (red). Moderne Psykoterapi: Teorier og metoder. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2015: 331-352.

Varvin S, Vladimir J, Granslev LG, Rosenbaum B. Traumatic dreams – presentation of a research project. Psykologisk Tidsskrift, Norges Teknisk-Naturvidenskabelige Universitet, 2015; 19/2: 36-47

Varvin S, Rosenbaum B. Psykoterapi med mennesker i traumatiserede tilstande. In Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B, Sørensen P (red). Moderne Psykoterapi: Teorier og metoder. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2015: 417-434.


Publikationer 2014

Andreasson, K, Krogh, J, Rosenbaum, B, Gluud, C, Jobes, J, Nordentoft, M. (2014).

Daniel, S, Lunn, S, Poulsen S. (2014). Autobiographical memory narratives in treatment for bulimia nervosa: The effect of client attachment, depression, and therapy type. Narrative Inquiry, 24(1):155-176.

Gammelgaard, J. (2014). Freud og mester-diskursen. Agora. Journal for metafysisk Spekulasjon, nr. 1-2, 92-111.

Gammelgaard, J. (2014). The small Shocks of Art: Reading Proust against Joyce. European Psychoanalytical Bulletin, 68, 259-267.

Gammelgaard, J. (2014). Walter Benjamin and psychoanalysis. The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review, 37, 69-71.

Harder, S, Koester, A, Valbak, K, Rosenbaum, B. (2014). Five-year follow-up of supportive psychodynamic psychotherapy in first-episode psychosis: long-term outcome in social functioning. Psychiatry, 77(2):155-68.

Jensen, H.H, Mortensen, E.L. & Lotz, M. (2014). Heterogeneity of treatment changes after psychodynamic therapy within one year follow-up: A replication study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 55, 168-179.

Kaster, M. Giv skilsmissefamilier den hjælp, de behøver. I: Politiken (Kronik), 18. september 2014.

Lunn, S, Holm, S, Jensen, BM, Rosenbaum, B. (2014). Psykoterapi af spiseforstyrrelser. I: F, Alberdi, B, Rosenbaum, P, Sørensen (red.). Moderne psykoterapi. Teorier og metode. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Møller, M. (2014) The Analyst’s Anxieties in the First Interview: Barriers against Analytic Presence. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 95, 485-503.

Noll, JF, Rosenbaum, B. (2014). Narcissistic biographies of (?) third age self-transcendence abilities. Commentary. Personal Ment Health, Feb;8(1), 85-8. doi:10.1002/pmh.

Poulsen, S, Lunn, S. (2014). Response letter. American Journal of psychiatry, 171/5, 584.

Poulsen, S, Lunn, S, Daniel, S et al. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of psychoanalytic psychotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 71(1), 109-116.

Rosenbaum, B. (2014). Quien soy yo sin el otro. Revista de Psicoanálisis de Guadalajara, Julio 2014; Año 8 No 8.

Rosenbaum, B. Konstruktive og destruktive processer i den katastrofiske angst. I: Mey, JL, Brandt, L, Rosenbaum, B. (red.). Con moto ma non presto – Festskrift for Per Aage Brandt. RASK, 40 (april), 357-370.

Rosenbaum, B. (2014). Fonctionnement psychotique et traitement psychoanalytique de soutien. Psychanalyse et Psychose, 14, 135-148.

Varvin V, Rosenbaum B. (2014). A psicanálise na China: Evolucao e desafios. Revista Brasileira de Psicanàlise. 48/1, 55-68.

Varvin, S, Rosenbaum, B. (2014). Trauma: Depletion and resilience. Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise,  34/2: 6-17.

Varvin, S, Rosenbaum, B. (2014). West-East differences in habits and ways of thinking: The influence on understanding and teaching psychoanalytic therapy. In Scharff, DE, Varvin, S (eds). Psychoanalysis in China. London: Karnac, 123-136.

The DiaS trial: dialectical behavior therapy versus collaborative assessment and management of suicidality on self-harm in patients with a recent suicide attempt and borderline personality disorder traits – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.  Trials, 15, 194 doi:10.1186/1745-6215-15-194.


Publikationer 2013

Gammelgaard, J. (2013) Klassisk psykoanalyse, ego-psykologi og selv-psykologi. I: Simo Køppe og Jesper Dammeyer (red.) Personlighedspsykologi – en grundbog om personlighed og subjektivitet. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag. s. 149-181.

Gammelgaard, J. (2013) Drift og begær hos Freud, Lacan og Proust. Proust Bulletin nr. 8. s. 25-54.

Gammelgaard, J. (2013) Like a pebble in your shoe. A psychoanalytic reading of Lars von Trier´s Breaking the Waves and Antichrist. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 94,6: 1215-1230.

Hochwälder J, Mattsson M, Holmquist R, Culberg J, Rosenbaum B. (2013). Psychometric assessment of the Danish and Swedish version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale for first episode psychosis patients. Quality of Life Research, 2013; 22/3: 537-546.

Katznelson, H., Tækker, L., og Folke, S. (2013). Gruppeterapi med unge voksne. I: Jan Nielsen og Per Sørensen (red.) Brug Gruppen: Psykodynamisk Gruppeterapi (s. 263-277). København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Katznelson, H. (2013). Den refleksive funktionsskala – RF. I: Rikke Schwartz og Susan Hart (red.)  Barnet og dets relationelle miljø (s. 274-292). København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Katznelson, H. (2014). Reflective Functioning: A review. Clinical Psychology Review, 34, 107-117.

Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. (2013). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa: When research results conflict with researcher allegiance. Comment to the psychodynamic mailinglist,, 27. november 2013.

Lunn, S. & Lindhardt, A. (2013). Psykoanalyse og gruppeanalyse – om forholdet mellem psykoanalytisk individualterapi og gruppeterapi. I: J. Nielsen & P. Sørensen, Brug gruppen, psykodynamisk gruppeterapi. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 74-94.

Lunn, S., Poulsen, S. & Daniel, S. (in press). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with a client with bulimia nervosa – a single case study.

Møller, M. The Analyst’s Anxieties in the first Interview. Barriers against analytic Presence. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Psychoanalysis.

Morsing, M. (2013): Fravær og selvskade – en klinisk undersøgelse. Ph.d.-afhandling, Institut for Psykologi. Københavns Universitet.

Pedersen, S. H., Lunn, S., Katznelson, H., & Poulsen, S. (2013). Reflective functioning in 70 patients suffering from bulimia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review, 20(4), 303-310.

Pedersen, S.H., Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. Affect regulation – holding, containing and mirroring.  Accepted for publication in International Journal of Psychoanalysis.

Rohde, K. (2013) Ett liv i psykiatrins korseld. I:  7 psykiatrer berättar.                                                                     Book on Demand, s. 159-178.

Rosenbaum B, Martindale B, Summers A. (2013). Supportive psychodynamic psychotherapy for psychosis. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 19: 310-318.

Rosenbaum, B. (2013). Interpreting the Unconscious. Journal of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis, vol 3 (elektronisk, intet sidetal).

Summers A, Rosenbaum B. Psychodynamic psychotherapy for psychosis:  empirical evidence. In Read et al. (eds). Models of Madness (2nd ed).  London: Routledge, 2013: 336-344.

Viberg, L. & Viberg, M. (2013). Dynamisk Psykoterapi – teori och praktik. Studentlitteratur i Lund.

Zeuthen, K. (submitted): Infantile Sexuality. Psychoanalytic Studies of the Child.  Zeuthen, K. & Gammelgaard J.(accepted for publication): Enigmatic Sexuality. In: Noreen Giffney and Eve Watson (eds.) Clinical Encounters: Psychoanalytic practice and queer theory.

Zeuthen, K., Hagelskjær, M. & Busck, A. (accepted for publication 2013): Udvikling af Spillerum. (The Development of Play Room). Til: SISO, Socialstyrelsens hjemmeside.

Zeuthen, K. & M. Hagelskjær Jensen (2013): Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse – analysis and discussion of the field. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, Volume 22, Issue 6, 742-760, online August 2013, in print December 2013.

Zeuthen, K. (2012a): Børns seksualitet (Child Sexuality). In: Månedskrift for læger i almen praksis, april 2012, 305-314.

Zeuthen, K. (2012b): Seksuelle overgreb mod børn (Child Sexual Abuse). In: Månedskrift for læger i almen praksis juni/juli 2012, 501-509.

Zeuthen, K. & S. Køppe (2014): Psykoanalysen efter Freud. I: Personlighedspsykologi. En grundbog om personlighed og subjektivitet (Psychoanalysis after Freud). Copenhagen: Hans Reitzel.

Zeuthen, K. (2012): Infantil seksualitet (Infantile Sexuality). I: Det taler – en antologi om det ubevidste, (In: Id Talks – an anthology on the unconscious), Gammelgaard, J., Matthiesen, B. B., Holm Pedersen, S. & K. Zeuthen (eds.). København: Akademisk Forlag, 79-106.


Publikationer 2011/2012

Colleen Nielsen A, Alberdi F, Rosenbaum B. Collaborative Assessement and Management of Suicidality method shows effect. Danish Medical Bulletin, 2011, vol.58/8: 1-5.

Davidsen K, Rosenbaum B. Fear of Annihilation in Subjects At-Risk of Psychosis: a Pilot Study. Psychosis, 2011; 4;

Gammelgaard, J. (2011). Love, drive and desire in Freud, Lacan and Proust. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 92,4: 963-983.

Gammelgaard, J. (2011). Freud and Kierkegaard on anxiety. EPF homepage.

Lunn, S. & Wagtmann, M. (2011). Letter from Denmark. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 92, 1: 1-4.

Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. (2012). Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa – A manualized approach. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 26:1, 48-64.

Møller, M. L`angoscia dell`analista nel primo colloquio. Psycoanalisi. Revista della Associazione Italiana di Psicoanalisi. Vol. 15. No 1. 2011.

Rosenbaum B, Andersen PB, Knudsen PB, Lorenzen P. Rorschach Inkblot Method data at baseline and after two years treatment of consecutively admitted patients with first-episode schizophrenia. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2011.

Reith, B., Lagerlöf, S., Crick, P., Møller, M. & Skale, E. (Eds) (2012). Initiating Psychoanalysis.Perspectives. Teaching Series, The New Library og Psychoanalysis. Routledge

Perspectives. The New Library of Psychoanalysis. Teaching Series. Routledge.

Varvin S, Rosenbaum B. Severely traumatized patients’ attempt at reorganizing their relations to others in psychotherapy: Enunciation analysis. In Freedman N, Hurvich M, Ward R. Another kind of evidence. London: Karnac, 2011: 167-182.

Zeuthen, K. (2011). Play Room. An educational material about feelings, boundaries, and sexuality.                           5 themes about pleasure, activity, voluntariness, fantasy, and care. Developed for the Service Angency, Minstry of Social Affairs. First edition, 3000 copies in Danish.

Zeuthen, K. (2011). Play Rules. Guidance to Play Room. Developed for the Service Agency, Ministry of Social Affairs. First edition, 3000 copies in Danish.

SISO, Børn- og ungeenheden, Servicestyrelsen (2011). Den professionelle tvivl. Tegn og reaktioner på seksuelle overgreb mod børn og unge. Et fagligt vejledningsmateriale. Forfattere: Katrine Zeuthen, Institut for Psykologi, Københavns Universitet, Anette Baadsgaard, Team for Seksuelt Mis­brugte Børn, SMB, Rigshospitalet, Karin Lassen, Odense Universitetshospital, Mimi Strange, JanusCentret, Tove Christiansen Bjerre, Rådgivningscentret Langenæs, Århus Kommune, Pernille Spitz, Sct. Stefans Rådgiv­ningscenter, Københavns Kommune, Birgitte Mai Jep­pesen, Familiehuset Vandværksvej, Odense Kommune og Jill Mehlbye, Anvendt KommunalForskning, AKF. (SISO, Social Interventions for children exposed to sexual abuse and violence, Child and Familiy Unit, Service Agency: The Professional Doubt. Signs and signals of sexual abuse against children. A Professional guidance material).


I forbindelse med psykoanalytisk Selskabs 50-års jubilæum udkom:
Psykoanalysens Aktualitet, Rosenbaum, B., Balint, S., Gammelgaard, J., Lunn, S., Aagaard, S. (red.) København, Multivers. (2007).

Du kan læse mere om uddannelsen i bogen Psykoanalysens Aktualitet,
Rosenbaum, B., Balint, S., Gammelgaard, J., Lunn, S., Aagaard, S. (red.)
København, Multivers. (2007).