Psychoanalysis Today … et online tidsskrift etableret i 2015 af IPA.
Tidsskriftet har skiftende mere generelle temaer, som flere psykoanalytikere skriver kortere indlæg om; indlæggene er tilgængelige online og kan downloades som pdf. Ideen bag og hensigten med tidsskriftet er at give psykoanalysen en stemme i debatten af centrale emner i vores tid ud fra den overbevisning, at psykoanalytisk tænkning har meget at bidrage med forståelsen af f.eks politisk vold, terrorisme, fascisme, demokrati, folkemord, fundamentalisme……
Tidsskriftets tredje emne lanceret april 2017 er Migration:
Issue Three: “Migration”

Isabelle Lafarge, April 30, 2017
Migration is a theme that finds its place in our eJournal, a space where psychoanalytic thoughts from all continents come together.
As analysts, the place of the stranger and of strangeness is particularly revealed through unconscious forces. This touches us especially. The burning news of the great migratory movements, urges us to share our experiences.Those who leave.
In this edition, several authors concerned with exile in their flesh/bodies and in their history, offer us very moving texts. More.
Isabelle Lafarge, April 30, 2017
Migration is a theme that finds its place in our eJournal, a space where psychoanalytic thoughts from all continents come together.
As analysts, the place of the stranger and of strangeness is particularly revealed through unconscious forces. This touches us especially. The burning news of the great migratory movements, urges us to share our experiences.Those who leave.
In this edition, several authors concerned with exile in their flesh/bodies and in their history, offer us very moving texts. More.
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