The Danish Psychoanalytical Society (DPAS) was established in 1957 and is part of The International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). The Society promotes the interests of psychoanalysis in Denmark and Southern Sweden.

DPAS provides education for future psychoanalysts according to international standards (IPA). All members of the Society are licensed psychoanalysts and, aside from having an academic background, most members are experienced, clinical psychologists or psychiatrists. At the moment the Society has 60 members and 15 candidates in training.

The Danish Psychoanalytical Society is an active participant in the collaboration within the International Psychoanalytical Association and The European Psychoanalytical Federation (EPF). Together with several psychoanalytical associations in Europe, the Society in Denmark participates in international seminars, conferences, and congresses. We also arrange events and public talks for our members and interested parties in Denmark.

Getting help through the Society
If you are considering psychoanalysis and curious to know more about it, you are welcome to contact one of the members our Psychoanalytical Consultation. They offer a low fee one-hour consultation for you to figure out whether psychoanalysis could help you.

Contact information
If you have questions regarding the Society, you are welcome to contact the president of the Society, Asbjørn Pedersen or DPAS’ secretary at For questions regarding the psychoanalytical training process, please contact the president of the training committee, Hanne Lind. Furthermore, a list of all our members and their contact information can be found here.

Danish Psychoanalytic Society – IPA Society of the month February 2019. Read the Article >>

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We invite you to take a look at the events we organize throughout the year. Follow us on Facebook here and keep an eye on our front page.