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Turning the Tide: The Psychoanalytic Approach of the Fitzjohn’s Unit to Patients with Complex Needs
Er en beskrivelse af en behandlingsenhed på Tavistock Klinikken i London
som behandler personer med komplicerede psykiske problemer med en psykoanalytisk tilgang som informerer alle led i behandlingskontakten.
Editor : Rael Meyerowitz, Editor : David Bell
Karnac Books 2018
This book documents the remarkable achievement of David Bell and his team at the Tavistock Clinic. They have been able to continue, to extend, and to protect the tradition at the clinic of using psychoanalysis to treat severely ill patients in the NHS, which is now under threat. Through their excellent individual papers the team demonstrate how a psychoanalytic attitude can provide a humane and effective treatment environment which also provides a stimulating learning experience for the staff. It is a book that should be read by everyone working in the mental health field.’
– John Steiner, FRCPsych, author of Psychic Retreats, and recipient of the Sigourney Award

This modification of the model for psychological management of personality disorder is innovative, inspiring, and likely to be of enormous practical significance. It represents a highly coherent, effective response to the most complex and painful mental disorder there is.’
– Peter Fonagy, Professor and Head of Research Department Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, UCL, and Chief Executive of the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

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