Winnicott – A present for the Future

Winnicott:  A present for the Future - The Winnicott Trust afholder online konference i anledning af 50 året for Winnicotts død: Dr. Donald Woods Winnicott, 1896-1971, British psychoanalyst, pediatrician, and child psychiatrist. He worked at the Paddington Green...


  Uddannelsesudvalget Dansk Psykoanalytisk Selskab Nyt kandidathold forventes at starte januar 2022. Der afholdes informationsmøde om uddannelse til psykoanalytiker i Dansk Psykoanalytisk Selskab, Trondhjemsgade 13, 2100 København Ø Tirsdag 17. august kl...

Endnu et par nye bøger

  Fred Busch - Karnac Books In this first-of-kind book, senior psychoanalysts from around the world offer personal reflections on their own training, what it was like to become a psychoanalyst, and what they would like most to convey to the candidate of today....